PS3ThemeCreator is a Playstation 3 theme creation and edition tool. It can be used to create themes for use on the Playstation 3 from scratch or to edit existing ones. The application is associated with .p3t files and it will open them automatically. It will also export the themes in that format or in VAG format.
PS3ThemeCreator, when opened without a sample theme, will show in the main screen all the icons that comprise a PS3 theme. Every icon on every screen or menu on the PS3 will have a space on the screen. When you create your theme, you can assign .PNG images to each of those icons by simply clicking on the icon name and adding the pertaining image. Adding icons is the easiest part of building a theme. Then, to the left of the application is a list of different backgrounds. There, you also click the empty space to add a background image, which will be the center piece of your theme. You can also change the pointer icons, play with the different fonts and use a solid background color.
To the right of the interface, you can add basic information about your theme and background sounds. There, you will also find the preview function.
As far as performance goes, PS3ThemeCreator seemed to lag at times, especially when loading themes or preparing the preview. It wasn't entirely bad, but it was noticeable.